Vigilant Guard

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management and select city and county departments participated in a North Carolina National Guard (NCNG) exercise on Saturday, March 7th and Sunday, March 8th.

“Vigilant Guard” was a full scale regional exercise involving South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. The exercise focused on response to hurricanes and tornados impacting South Carolina that moved across the state affecting neighboring states, including the Charlotte area, causing massive power outages, extensive flooding, and affecting more than half a million citizens. Additionally, protesters at the Franklin Water Treatment Plant who were not deterred by the inclement weather drove a number of injects involving the National Guard and CMPD.

Vigilant Guard was designed to ensure effective coordination between local, state, private sector, non- governmental organizations, and federal partners. As such, staff from the MHPC participated in the Emergency Operations Center, representing the region’s hospital and EMS partners.